Prince George's County
Issues We Face

For a Better Future
The Environment
Nicole is proud to support advances in renewal energy sources such as offshore wind projects here in Maryland that will help clean our air and waterways as well as bring more jobs to the state. The Chesapeake Bay is one of our State's greatest resources and Nicole is committed to fight for greater measures to keep the Bay and other local waterways such as the Anacostia and the Potomac River clean. Protecting our environment is important for the future of the planet and the health of everyone.

Smaller Classes & Teacher Retention
Did you know that the average public-school class size in Prince George's County is 31.9 students per class? However, the national average is about 25 students per class. Studies have shown that small class sizes allow for teachers to provide more individualized instruction to children. This is why Nicole wants to bring more school construction dollars back to the District and more money to hire more teachers to make sure we have enough classrooms to reduce class sizes.

Protecting Families
Nicole understands the struggles that people are faced with every day in trying to make ends meet and provide a better life for their family which is why Nicole supports ensuring that all Marylanders have paid sick leave, earn a living wage and access to health care. As a young professional with student loan debt she wants to push for debt-free college for any person in Maryland who wishes to obtain higher education.

Affordable, Happy Living
Having a dry, clean place to sleep every night should be a basic human right. Affordable housing in the DC Metro area is hard to find and may of our most vulnerable citizens are finding themselves on the streets and in shelters. Nicole will fight for more affordable house, and a diverse housing stock within our community. As a real estate attorney she has seen the harmful effects of predatory lending and will push back against the deregulation of lending practices here in Maryland and will fight for measures that will help people who are facing foreclosure or wrongful evictions.

About Nicole
Nicole Williams’ life is driven by service to the community. Growing up in Washington, DC, she was raised by a single mother who taught her the values of hard work and fighting for what’s right. Nicole embraced these lessons. In high school, she led a fight against random searches of lockers. As a student at the University of Pittsburgh, she advocated for women’s reproductive rights. After working her way through law school, she joined a Maryland law firm and got involved in political outreach and mobilization on behalf of Democratic candidates. She’s been recognized as a “Top 40 under 40” leader in Prince George’s County and previously was elected to serve on Prince George’s County Democratic Central Committee. Today, Nicole is serving as our Delegate as our voice for all of us in Annapolis.
Upcoming Events
Join us for the Birthday Celebration of
Delegate Nicole Williams
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
6-7:30 PM
Denizens Brewing Company
4550 Van Buren Street, Riverdale MD 20737
with special guests
Speaker Adrienne Jones
County Executive Angela Alsobrooks
Join us for the Birthday Celebration of
Delegate Nicole Williams
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
6-7:30 PM
Denizens Brewing Company
4550 Van Buren Street, Riverdale MD 20737
with special guests
Speaker Adrienne Jones
County Executive Angela Alsobrooks
News Updates
Where & When You Can Vote
Early Voting begins on October 22, 2020 and will end on October 29, 2020. Early voting locations are open from 8:00 AM until 8:00 PM. Click here for a list of early voting locations.
The next election is the 2020 Presidential General Election which will be conducted on November 3, 2020 from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
This election will be in person. Individuals can request an absentee ballot. The deadline to request an absentee ballot by mail or fax is October 27, 2020. It is strongly recommended that you vote by mail because of the pending health pandemic.
Are you not certain where your polling place is located for election day. Click here to find out.
Click here for information about how to vote this election.

I would love to hear your opinion on how to make our community a better place. I will fight for the things that matter most to our families, and be your voice to ensure a better way of life.
Come visit me in Annapolis at the Lowe House Office Building
6 Bladen Street, Room 209, Annapolis MD 21401
or give me a call at (410) 841-3058; (301) 858-3058