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Newsletter: COVID-19 Resources

Dear Neighbor, 

I hope you and your loved ones are healthy and safe through our continued quarantine. As your Delegate, I have received your calls, texts and emails asking for resources, updates and guidance on how to navigate during this challenging time. I hope you will find the below information useful. If you need further assistance, please contact my office via the information below. Please remember to stay inside, keep a safe distance and wash your hands. Stay Home, Stay Healthy, and Stay Safe. Together we can get through this!


Delegate Williams

Governor's Executive Order

On April 15, 2020, the Governor signed an Executive Order stating that all persons in the state of Maryland must wear a face mask or face covering while occupying essential services such as, stores and public transit. Furthermore, the Governor mandated that all stores and carryout restaurants must keep a 6 ft. distance between patrons during check out. In addition, stores must keep all shopping carts and baskets sanitized. Employees are also allowed to wash their hands every 30 minutes. Lastly, Governor Hogan has stated that next week he will roll out the details of Maryland Strong: Road map to Recovery. The plan will address the following areas:  

1. Expanding Testing Capacity 

2. Increasing Hospital Surge Capacity 

3. Ramping up Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) supplies

4. Building a robust tracing operation 

To stay up to date with the administration's response to COVID-19, please click here. 

Maryland State Primary 

  • All Voters are encouraged to vote by mail for the June 2nd Primary. 

  • All active voters will automatically receive a ballot in the mail for the June 2nd Primary

    • If you recently received a sample ballot from the State Board of Elections you are an active voter.

    • If you have recently moved or need your ballot delivered to another address, you must request a ballot by mail or by fax by May 26th or you have until May 29th to update your request online.

    • Request a ballot online, click here

    • Print request for ballot and mail-in, click here

    • The deadline to register to vote for the upcoming primary is May 27, 2020.

  • Mark your ballot, SIGN the oath, postmark by Election Day

    • You must sign the voter oath that comes with your ballot for your vote to count.

    • Postage is pre-paid on mail-in ballots.

    • Vote from home. Only travel to one of the limited polling locations if absolutely necessary.

    • To check the status of your ballot, whether it was received and processed, click here

Only limited in-person voting opportunities will be available at four (4) locations here in Prince George's County for those that are unable to vote by mail and ballot drop off boxes will be provided. 

Maryland General Assembly's Legislative Response 

Maryland General Assembly's COVID -19  Workgroup 

Senate President Ferguson and House Speaker Jones created a Joint COVID-19 Response Legislative Workgroup to monitor the State’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak and provide the General Assembly with information as the situation unfolds. An audio recording of this meeting is available HERE; recordings for all future meetings will be available on the Maryland General Assembly website.

Legislation passed this session authorizes the Secretary of Labor to determine that an individual is eligible for Unemployment Insurance benefits if (1) the individual’s employer temporarily ceases operations due to COVID‑19, preventing employees from coming to work; (2) the individual is quarantined due to COVID‑19 with the expectation of returning to work after the quarantine is over; or (3) the individual leaves employment due to a risk of exposure or infection of COVID-19 or to care for a family member due to COVID-19. An individual need not separate from the individual’s employment to be determined eligible for benefits. Starting Friday, April 24th, those who are self-employed, independent contractors, gig workers or have insufficient work history will be able to apply online. 

House Judiciary Committee and Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee Joint Letter to the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services

The Maryland House Judiciary Committee and the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee sent a joint letter to the Director of Public Safety and Correctional Services inquiring about the State's operative procedures for insuring inmates and staff do not contract the Coronavirus. As of Thursday, 136 people had tested positive within the system, including 105 correctional officers and other employees. Because of pressure from elected officials, prosecutors, attorneys and civil rights advocates, the Governor announced the early release of inmates who are near the end of their sentence and at high risk of coronavirus complications, and those over the age of 60 who were incarcerated for non-violent offenses. 

County COVID-19 Resources 

If you have any questions or concerns, please call the Prince George’s County Health Department Coronavirus hotline at (301) 883-6627 from 8:00 am - 8:00 pm to receive updated information about the coronavirus disease. *Please contact 911 for medical emergencies only. 

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, several food pantries have been setup throughout the county and in neighboring jurisdictions.Enter your zip code or address to search for the food pantry nearest you. 

Call Maryland Hunger Solutions at 866-821-5552 for assistance and questions related to SNAP applications. They can assist with completing and submitting SNAP applications over the phone, submit any changes to your active SNAP case, answer questions about your benefits, and direct you to additional food resources

The County is accepting applications for County businesses who meet the eligibility criteria for a loan and/or grant to support cash operating expenses. Click here for more information.

All child care centers are closed in the State, except for those providing child care for essential workers such as doctors, nurses, police officers, and others.Click here if you are an essential worker that needs child care. 

To keep track of confirmed COVID-19 cases within the county please click here. 


During this difficult time it is important that we come together as a District, County and State to support one another. If you are able, please consider giving to one of the causes below. Your donation could make a world of difference to a family in need. We are stronger together. #PrinceGeorge'sProud

The county is collecting various needed items such as, PPE materials for essential medical professionals, non-perishable food items, paper products and baby items for those in need. 

Greater Riverdale Cares: CKAR is using donations to provide delicious and healthy meals for families of four from our local restaurants. With your help, CKAR can keep the Greater Riverdale kitchens open, workers employed and provide nutritious food to neighbors in need.  CASA Solidarity Fund Countless immigrant families will not receive a relief check during this pandemic. CASA's solidarity fund will provide direct cash benefits to an immigrant family in need.



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