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End of Session Newsletter

Dear Neighbors, 

During this time of crisis I have been truly inspired by the heroes on the front lines working in our grocery stores, restaurants, hospitals and volunteering at meal giveaways. I encourage you all to find safe and impactful ways to volunteer. It is a great way connect to with others and help those effected by the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Although, the 2020 legislative session ended prematurely, my staff and I are working hard to ensure that you have the most up to date information on legislation coming out of the Maryland General Assembly. Attached to this newsletter is my official End of Session letter.  In the enclosed letter you will find information on The Blueprint for Maryland's Future, Prohibition of the use of Chlorpyrifos and Court records pertaining to the Department of Juvenile Services. All things considered, I am proud of the legislation that my colleagues and I were able to pass during this abbreviated session. 

I look forward to engaging with you all after the restrictions are lifted and working to prepare for the 2021 Legislative Session. 

Stay healthy and safe, 

Nicole Williams 


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