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COVID-19 Updates

State Response to COVID-19

It was announced Sunday night that we will be adjourning the Maryland General Assembly Session early. This is the first time session has been cut short since the Civil War. We hope to reconvene for a Special Session at the end of May.

In response to a global pandemic, it is imperative that we take any and all precautions necessary to protect our citizens. As legislators, it is our job to care for our constituents. We will do what is necessary to ensure safety to every Marylander during this global health crisis.

The CDC has recommended avoiding gatherings of 50+ people for the next eight weeks in an effort to slow down the spread of COVID-19 and 'flatten the curve'. 

We have formed a Joint Legislative Workgroup in order to most efficiently monitor COVID-19 in Maryland and effectively support the Governor's Administration and Department of Health.

Please take care of yourselves. Stay home if you're feeling sick. Practice social distancing. Together, we can help stop the spread of COVID-19.

Prince George's County Residents

Several county schools are providing "grab and go" lunches from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. daily during the statewide school closures. 

Meal sites include:

  • Andrew Jackson Academy

  • Benjamin Tasker Middle School

  • Buck Lodge Middle School

  • Carmody Hills Elementary

  • District Heights Elementary

  • Drew-Freeman Middle School

  • Dwight D. Eisenhower Middle School

  • Hillcrest Heights Elementary

  • Frank Dent Elementary

  • John Bayne Elementary

  • Judge Sylvania Woods Elementary

  • Kenmoor Middle School

  • Langley Park McCormick Elementary

  • Longfields Elementary

  • Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School

  • Nicholas Orem Middle School

  • Port Towns Elementary

  • Samuel Chase Elementary

  • Stephen Decatur Middle School

  • Suitland Elementary

  • Templeton Elementary

  • Thurgood Marshall Middle School

  • Walker Mill Middle School

  • William Paca Elementary

  • William Wirt Middle School


Older adults seem to be at higher risk for serious COVID-19 illness. It is important to take actions to reduce your risk of exposure.

The county will be delivering several frozen meal packs to seniors who receive meals at the Department of Family Services, Senior Nutrition Program sites. The meal drop-off window will be between 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Seniors will receive a call to the phone number they put on their contact sheet 5 minutes prior to delivery. Please be available as the driver won't leave the meal unless someone is there to receive it.

For more information on this service, please contact the Department of Family Services, Senior Nutrition Program at (301) 265- 8475.

District 22 Scholarship

The District 22 Scholarship application is still open, and will be through April 30, 2020. Although our office is closed, please continue to follow instructions and mail your completed application and supplemental documents to our office address. I will still receive the applications. 

A link the the scholarship application can be found here

End of Session

It has been an honor and a privilege to serve the residents of District 22, as well as the constituents of Maryland as a whole. Although this session ended abruptly, I am enormously proud of what we have done.

This session, my first session, was about prioritizing legislation that would help the environment, women and children, education, and those in our communities who are often overlooked.

Although this is not the ideal way to end session, it has been a pleasure serving you.

Please remember that although session may be over, I am still here for you and any concerns you may have. I will use this interim time to start working on legislation for next session -- so please feel free to reach out to me.

Thank you for allowing me to be your advocate. I hope I can continue to make you #PrinceGeorge'sProud. 


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